That's how I feel when I compare my attempts at "blogging" to my favorite blog in all the bloggity blig-blog bliggady world.
I mean, for godsake, look at how bland this all is.
A blind 5 year-old chimp with dyslexia while having a Top Fuel dragster doing a burnout on its FACE could come up with a more aesthetically pleasing design.
Mandy over at has accomplished more expression through her online site than I ever could if I had an army of writers locked in a room with nothing more than a hamster cage feeder full of meth and a typewriter.
From do-it-yourself ramens, caramel apple pie biscuits, hot sauces, ancient Chinese secrets, and puppies, she's got it going on.
Her culinary pictures also serve to arouse my culinary nether regions to unimaginable heights.
And best of all? You can feel her angst and anger coming through with every word, as if her passion for food is such as to make her, and me, want to scream "Goddammit!" and punch a baby in the face.
Give her work a look over, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Abandon all hope ye who click here.
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